Line 1/Line 2 Setup

The Line Setup tabs give detailed information about the VoIP network and may be switched between Standard and Advanced view. The default view is Standard, and may be changed by clicking the button shown below:

Settings for Line 1 and Line 2 are identical.

In Standard view, a user will have the option of configuring a SIP Config tab, Features and Dial Plan settings. In Advanced view, the user is given additional options under these tabs and the option of configuring Quality of Service, Network Address Translation (NAT) and Voice Features.

SIP Config - Advanced View

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Settings

SIP is an application layer protocol used to establish, modify and terminate VoIP calls. The following image shows SIP functions available from the VoIP management website.

A description of each field/function follows. Note that different vendors use different nomenclature with regard to naming conventions: see Vendor Naming Conventions.

Refresher Options:

Auto - default setting allows both ends of the call to negotiate who will be the refresher. This usually leaves the decision to the device receiving the SIP packets.

UAS - User Agent Server (UAS) is the VoIP device that responds to the SIP Request. For a phone call, it is considered the “called” device.  This setting makes sure the SVC-2 card will only negotiate to a Session Timer where the UAS is nominated as the refresher.

UAC - User Agent Client (UAC) is the VoIP device that sends the SIP Request. For a phone call, it is considered the “calling” device. This setting makes sure the SVC-2 card will only negotiate to a Session Timer where the UAC is nominated as the refresher.

Local - this setting makes sure the SVC-2 card will always be the refresher of a Session Refresh.

Peer - this setting makes sure the SVC-2 card will never be the refresher of a Session Refresh.

Transfer Options:

UDP - User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is "connection-less" and data packets may be sent without negotiation. There is no handshake or setup; packets can be delivered out of order or left out completely. UDP prioritizes speed over accuracy.

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is connection-oriented and a formal connection between endpoints must be established before any data is transmitted. TCP prioritizes accuracy over speed.

TLS - Transport Layer Security (TLS) is used to encrypt SIP traffic and can verify if a device in the SIP exchange is trusted via certificates. See the following article for more information on TLS:

Note that when TLS is selected as the transfer option, a new window will give further options for browsing/uploading a private key or certificate (see below). Be aware that certificates uploaded via the VoIP webpage will not be shown in the SIPS data in the Tesira software interface. Tesira software must configure certificates or the private key filename, and VoIP will retrieve the files from the provisioning server if the server is configured.

See the following article for more information: Using TLS and SRTP in Tesira VoIP Systems

Real-time Transport Protocol/Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP/SRTP) Settings

RTP and SRTP are network protocols for delivering voice content over networks. SRTP provides encryption and a required message authentication feature. RTP/SRTP functions available from the VoIP management website are shown in the image below:

A description of each field/function is as follows:

See the following article for more information on SRTP: Using_TLS_and_SRTP_in_Tesira_VoIP_systems


If TLS is selected as the transfer option, further options are available to upload certificates:

Saving/Applying Changes   When making changes, the user must make sure to apply changes in order for them to take affect. Clicking save changes will not apply the configuration changes to the VoIP card, but rather save them in a memory cache. If a user saves changes and navigates away from the current tab, the changes are still stored. If changes are saved yet not applied and the device is rebooted, changes will be lost.   A user must click Apply Saved Changes to make the changes active.



Other settings that may be configured from Advanced View are as follows: For settings that may be configured from Line 1/Line 2 in Standard View, see the links follows: