The Line Setup tabs give detailed information about the VoIP network and may be switched between Standard and Advanced view. The default view is Standard, and may be changed by clicking the button shown below:
Settings for Line 1 and Line 2 are identical.
In Standard view, a user will have the option of configuring a SIP Config tab, Features and Dial Plan settings. In Advanced view, the user is given additional options under these tabs and the option of configuring Quality of Service, Network Address Translation (NAT) and Voice Features.
All settings in the Features tab of Standard view are also available in Advanced view. Settings in Advanced view are as follows:
Local DTMF Level - controls the local volume of generated DTMF tones. Range is -100 to 0.
DTMF Transmit Level- controls the transmitted DTMF tone level. Range is -100 to 0.
Local DTMF Mute - turns local DTMF generation off/on.
DTMF On Time (ms) - sets the duration of generated DTMF tones.
DTMF Off Time (ms) - sets the length of the pause between successive DTMF digits.
Out-Of-Band DTMF - when set to "On," DTMF signals will be sent to the far end via RTP Events in the RTP stream.
DTMF via SIP Info - delivers DTMF signals using SIP protocol. Setting the SIP Info to Normal will include the DTMF digit information as well as the duration of the DTMF tone. Setting the SIP Info field to Simple will only deliver the DTMF digit information.
Call Progress Tone Level - controls the volume of call progress tones, such as the dial tone, busy tone and other signals.
Ring Type - allows choosing between a standard (audible) or silent ring type on the VoIP phone.
Out-Of-Band DTMF Payload Type - allows setting the RTP Payload type reserved for Out-of-Band DTMF signals. 101 is the typical (and default) setting for Out-of-Band DTMF, however if this Payload Type is being used elsewhere, it may be changed to an available number. The Payload Type is adjustable between 97 to 127.
Other settings that may be configured from Advanced View are as follows: For settings that may be configured from Line 1/Line 2 in Standard View, see the links follows: